In der folgenden Liste sind alle WordPress Plugins aufgeführt, die ich zur Zeit nutze:

  • Plugins:

    Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection 5.3.3  Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection 5.3.3
    » Automattic - Anti-spam Team (url)
    Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. Akismet Anti-spam keeps your site protected even while you sleep. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key.

    Bad Behavior 2.2.24  Bad Behavior 2.2.24
    » Michael Hampton (url)
    Deny automated spambots access to your PHP-based Web site.

    Contact Form 7 5.9.8  Contact Form 7 5.9.8
    » Takayuki Miyoshi (url)
    Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

    Core Control 1.2.1  Core Control 1.2.1
    » Dion Hulse (url)
    Core Control is a set of plugin modules which can be used to control certain aspects of the WordPress control.

    Envato Market 2.0.12  Envato Market 2.0.12
    » Envato (url)
    WordPress Theme & Plugin management for the Envato Market.

    Jetpack 13.7  Jetpack 13.7
    » Automattic (url)
    Security, performance, and marketing tools made by WordPress experts. Jetpack keeps your site protected so you can focus on more important things.

    Ozh' Tweet Archiver 2.0.4  Ozh' Tweet Archiver 2.0.4
    » Ozh (url)
    Archive your tweets and import them as posts

    papercite 0.5.22  papercite 0.5.22
    » Benjamin Piwowarski (url)
    papercite enables to add BibTeX entries formatted as HTML in wordpress pages and posts. The input data is the bibtex text file and the output is HTML. This fork adds the feature of textual footnotes, besides the references stored in bibtex files.

    Photonic Gallery & Lightbox for Flickr, SmugMug, Google Photos & Others 3.10  Photonic Gallery & Lightbox for Flickr, SmugMug, Google Photos & Others 3.10
    » Sayontan Sinha (url)
    Extends the native gallery to support Flickr, SmugMug, Google Photos and Zenfolio. JS libraries like BaguetteBox, BigPicture, Gie Lightbox, LightGallery, PhotoSwipe, Spotlight, Swipebox, Fancybox, Magnific, Colorbox, PrettyPhoto, Image Lightbox, Featherlight and Lightcase are supported. Photos are displayed in vanilla grids of thumbnails, or more fancy slideshows, or justified or masonry or random mosaic layouts. The plugin also extends all layout options to a regular WP gallery.

    Regenerate Thumbnails 3.1.6  Regenerate Thumbnails 3.1.6
    » Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) (url)
    Regenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when changing their sizes or your theme.

    Simple Trackback Validation 2.1  Simple Trackback Validation 2.1
    » Michael Woehrer (url)
    Eliminates spam trackbacks by (1) checking if the IP address of the trackback sender is equal to the IP address of the webserver the trackback URL is referring to and (2) by retrieving the web page located at the URL used in the trackback and checking if the page contains a link to your blog.

    Slider Revolution  Slider Revolution
    » ThemePunch (url)
    Slider Revolution – Premium responsive slider

    Solid Security Basic 9.3.3  Solid Security Basic 9.3.3
    » SolidWP (url)
    Shield your site from cyberattacks and prevent security vulnerabilities. The only security plugin you need for a solid foundation.

    TaxoPress 3.24.1  TaxoPress 3.24.1
    » TaxoPress (url)
    TaxoPress allows you to create and manage Tags, Categories, and all your WordPress taxonomy terms.

    Two Factor 0.9.1  Two Factor 0.9.1
    » Plugin Contributors (url)
    Two-Factor Authentication using time-based one-time passwords, Universal 2nd Factor (FIDO U2F), email and backup verification codes.

    W3 Total Cache 2.7.5  W3 Total Cache 2.7.5
    » BoldGrid (url)
    The highest rated and most complete WordPress performance plugin. Dramatically improve the speed and user experience of your site. Add browser, page, object and database caching as well as minify and content delivery network (CDN) to WordPress.

    WooSidebars 1.4.6  WooSidebars 1.4.6
    » WooCommerce (url)
    Replace widget areas in your theme for specific pages, archives and other sections of WordPress.

    WP-GPX-Maps 1.7.08  WP-GPX-Maps 1.7.08
    » Bastianon Massimo (url)
    Draws a GPX track with altitude chart

    WP-PluginsUsed 1.50.2  WP-PluginsUsed 1.50.2
    » Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url)
    Display WordPress plugins that you currently have (both active and inactive) onto a post/page.

    WP Edit 4.0.4  WP Edit 4.0.4
    » Josh Lobe (url)
    Ultimate WordPress Content Editing.